Upgrade Your Electrical Panel for More Power This Winter
When the holidays arrive, the electrical load for most homes will climb because of holiday lighting, electric blankets, new electronic devices, and space heaters being used. The following will cover how an electrical panel upgrade or heavy-up will deliver more electrical power during the winter.
Signs of Inadequate Power
Winter means lower temperatures, and heating systems must work dependably to keep a house warm and plumbing protected. Along with the above mentioned causes for a heavier load, holiday lighting and decorations and portable heaters add more strain to the electrical system. There are several symptoms that indicate that an electrical circuit is overburdened, including frequently tripping breakers and flickering lights. Sudden drops in voltage can also damage expensive electronics, so adequate power is essential for preserving your equipment.
Two Ways for Handling an Overloaded Electrical System
1) New Appliances: Large appliances like dryers, refrigerators, and washing machines more than 10 years old may need to be replaced. Outdated appliances can consume electricity even when they are not in use. Newer appliances will result in lower utility bills, making your holidays and winter less expensive.
2) Heavy-Up (Electrical Panel Upgrade): When your home needs more electricity to be able to cope with modern usage, consider getting a heavy-up or electrical panel upgrade. This procedure should always be handled by an experienced license electrician. This will provide more amperage to your home via the service panel.
Schedule an electrical inspection to confirm that your home needs a heavy-up. Houses that are older than 20 years may have an outdated circuit providing less than 100 amps, and it may require rewiring and more outlets to cope with modern demands.
Average Budget for Heavy-Up
Decades ago the standard for typical households was 60 amps, but that is far less than what modern homes require. 200 amps are typically needed to power computers, HD televisions, HVAC systems, and new large appliances. To budget for a heavy-up of an electrical service panel to 100 or 200 amps, set aside an estimated $1,000 to $3,000.
Electrical Services You Can Trust
Founded in 1991, Meyer Electrical Services provides home and commercial electrical services in Maryland, Virginia, and D.C., where we are licensed and insured. Based in Bethesda, our team proudly serves all of Montgomery County. Receive a free consultation for custom electrical work today by calling (301) 941-1400.