Electrican,Meyer Electrical Services Inc.
Written by Walt Meyer

Getting Your Home the Right Standby Generator Size – Part 1

Losing power from the utility can’t be avoided, and it is happening more frequently and lasting for longer periods. Big storms cause almost 60% of these blackouts, while more than 30% will result from equipment failure because of our country’s outdated and overworked electrical grid.

Power outages are bound to happen, but you can still do something about them by installing a standby generator at your home. It is a powerful device that can provide electrical power to your whole house during an emergency. Seconds after a blackout occurs, the generator will automatically activate. This happens so fast it’s possible you won’t notice you lost power from the utility.

The following will discuss how to figure out the right standby generator size for your house. Talk to an expert licensed electrician who is very experienced in standby generator installations to get the best results.

House Size

Like homes, standby generators are made in various sizes. Typically, the bigger the generator the more it will be capable of providing electricity. A large-capacity generator will cost significantly more than a smaller type. However, you may decide a large generator is not what your home needs.

One option available is installing a smaller generator that can provide power to essential circuits. These circuits may be connected to items such as the furnace, garage-door opener, kitchen appliances, main lighting, security system, well pump, and water heater. This type of installation is described as a partial-house generator.

Electrical System

House size is only one factor for choosing a standby generator. Determining the proper generator size will not be as easy as using the number of square feet in a home. How complex a house’s electrical system is must also be considered. Whether or not a home has central air conditioning will play a key role in the selection of the generator. Work with a licensed electrician to calculate your home’s expected electrical loads.

Part 2 will discuss Kilowatts & ATS, Running Watts & KVA, and Selecting a Standby Generator.

Electrical Services You Can Trust

Meyer Electrical Services is an authorized Kohler and KOHLER Sales &
Service Dealer serving Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. We provide custom standby generator installations and are trained and licensed to perform the regularly required important factory service and maintenance. Receive a free consultation today by calling (301) 941-1400.