Work with an Electrician to Make Your Home Energy Efficient
Homeowners are placing more emphasis on being energy efficient. Their two main goals are decreasing their environmental impact and reducing their utility bills. In either case, they can get great results by working with a licensed electrician to make their home more energy efficient.
A lot of people are unaware that a skilled electrician can help conserve energy in their homes. Experienced electricians are knowledgeable about cost-effective strategies that will greatly decrease electrical use. Below are three that you should strongly consider.
Electrical Prioritization
Often overlooked, electronic devices that are turned off still consume electricity when they are plugged in. Studies have discovered up to 5% of electrical use can be attributed to appliances, televisions, chargers, and other equipment even when they are not on. This electrical usage is called “vampire electricity”. An electrician who performs an energy audit for your home can find ways to prioritize electrical usage and minimize this type of energy waste.
Rewiring and Upgrades
Residents of older homes may already know its old wiring can make them more vulnerable to electrical fires. However, they may not be aware that outdated wiring may lead to costly electrical leaks. An electrician can carry out an inspection to find faulty wiring or code violations with the aim of making your home safer. They can then recommend a plan that may include replacements and upgrades of electrical wiring and equipment.
Window Treatments
Longer summer days can make interiors of homes uncomfortably warm. We try to adapt by lowering thermostats, forcing air conditioning to work harder and use more electricity. A better solution is automated shades and blinds, which can be integrated with the environmental controls of a smart home to save energy. Consult with an experienced and expert licensed electrician regarding installation for your safety and the best results.
Electrical Services You Can Trust
Founded in 1991 and serving Maryland, Virginia, and D.C., where we are licensed and insured, Meyer Electrical Services provides home and commercial electrical services you can trust, including:
• Standby Generator Installation
• Panel Upgrades (Heavy-Ups)
• Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations
• Structured Cabling
• Circuit Breaker Replacement
Based in Bethesda, our team proudly serves all of Montgomery County. Receive a free consultation for custom electrical work today by calling (301) 941-1400.